General Overseer
Rev. Dr. Stephen K. Gyermeh
First Lady Comfort Gyermeh

Rev Stephen K. Gyermeh
General Overseer and Founder of The Church of the Living God, F.G.M
Rev Stephen K. Gyermeh was born on May 8, 1938, in a heathen home at Nyinahin, Ashanti, Ghana, West Africa. Like Terah, the father of Abraham (Joshua 24:2) who served other gods, Rev. Gyermeh’s parents worshiped idols. However, as God took Abraham, who was no one, and made someone out of him, so did God in the life of Rev. Stephen Gyermeh.
At the age of 16, God picked him out of an idolatrous home. He received Jesus Christ as his personal savior in 1954 and was completely delivered out of heathenism. He was baptized in the Holy Spirit immediately after water baptism and was called into the Ministry. Since the age of 16, Rev. Gyermeh has preached the Gospel, pioneered several churches – ten of which are in the United States, and has reached thousands of people with the Gospel of Christ, in many countries in Africa and overseas. Many have received miracles of salvation, healing, all kinds of sicknesses and diseases as the paralytic walked out of their chairs, deliverance from alcohol, drugs, demons, oppression, etc. His own mother was raised from the dead in 1960 by God’s power after three (3) hours of persistent prayer. Some of Reverend Gyermeh’s services around the United States went for five or more weeks as the power of God came down to set the captives free.
At a meeting held in St. Cloud, Florida in 1981, which lasted for five weeks, God’s miracle-working power was experienced by hundreds who came to the meeting.
In 1982, Rev. Gyermeh returned to the United States from an evangelistic tour of the Grand Bahamas, Abaco, and New Providence Islands to continue his ministry. It was at that juncture that the Lord said to him, “son, postpone all your scheduled meetings and wait on me for further directions”. Being sensitive to the Holy Spirit, Rev. Gyermeh obeyed and shut himself up in his house at 1702 Morrell Drive, Lakeland, Florida, for twenty-one days -fasting and communing with God.
In the third week of consecrated fast, Rev. Gyermeh received from the Lord a vision of perishing souls. In this vision, Rev. Gyermeh saw himself with the Lord and the disciples walking together. Jesus took them to the middle of the sea, and they stood there without sinking. He saw around them in the sea, thousands of drowning people who were struggling to swim to safety, but they could not; therefore, they were sinking.
The Lord then told Rev. Gyermeh, “all these are my people perishing, but they don’t know what to do to save themselves. Go and show them how it’s done”. At the Lord’s command, Rev. Gyermeh stepped on the sea water, but did not sink, walked around on the sea proclaiming to the people what they should do to save their lives. This proclamation lasted for a few minutes, then he rejoined the Lord and the disciples.
A few months after, in June 1983, Rev. Gyermeh came to the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area to execute the Lord’s commission to him. He held a series of meetings at Takoma Park Junior High School from June 6 to June 13, and twenty souls gave their lives to Christ.