Minister Jasper Ezeigbo
Minister of Pastoral Care

Minister Jasper Ezeigbo, Jr. is a unique and profound teacher of the Word. His spirit- filled messages have helped broaden the understanding of many believers. Jasper manifests a strong passion to enlighten people from different walks of life with the living word of God, through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. Jasper has worshipped and served at the Church of the Living God, FGM Hyattsville, Maryland for over 20 years. He is a dynamic leader, who wants to see lives transformed by the power of God; to discover and maximize their God-given potential, and to fulfill His will and purpose in these last days.
He currently holds a position as Shift Supervisor with Montgomery County Pre- Release and Reentry Services Division of the Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation in Rockville, Maryland. His blessed and cherished family includes his lovely wife- Chinyere Ezeigbo and children – Jasper III, Joshua, Jesse, Jonathan and Janessa Olachinyerem.